
About me

Hello everyone, I will tell you a little about myself. I was born in 1999 in the city of Talca but with my family we have always lived in a nearby city, which is called San Javier, it is a very small and quiet city. My house is in the field. I studied all my childhood and youth in a Catholic school, which always limited me in my creative development. Which has been very different in the formation of the university, and I think it’s been one of the best processes of my life. I am currently in my fourth year of graphic design at the University of Chile.  Subsequently, I would like to continue studying in the fields of audiovisual design and digital animation. About my family I can tell you that I have a sister and a brother, I am the youngest. My older sister is a history teacher and my brother works with my parents in a business premises. We have a very good relationship but we have very different hobbies. However, we all enjoy it when we are together. Also, we all love animals, we have